Their mesmeric beats, by their very repetition become a kind of meditation, a small box in which the dancer moves shoulder to shoulder to a driving, seamless mix along with everyone else in a kind of flamboyantly stylish step class, where endurance rather than variety is part of the experience. Think of Techno Viking if he'd been an international corporate head hunter living in Dubai.
Here in Dubai, the dance scene is varied, but only within the parameters allowed by the brackets in which different social groups operate. The Ethiopians have their club, the Indians theirs, the Russians, the Singaporeans have theirs. The expat Europeans, Australians, South Africans and Americans mostly dance to chic, boutique music. That's the best way to encapsulate the genres that we're thinking of - clean, reliable, at first hearing possibly featureless, but after a while, a freedom appears within the framework.